Thursday, 2 June 2011

ICE CUBE in Wales

Yes the Man from the NWA group is in Wales !!(Next month) What are the chances in that , Tickets are very limited and is possibly once in a lifetime thing!

Watch this spot, pictures will be going up after the concert!!

Thursday, 5 May 2011

OSAMA BIN LADEN DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thats the breaking news on Tee Bag IT! and here is the Rest of the Hit list!!

The World's 10 Most Wanted


White-Collar Fugitives

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Supra Henry Boot

These are the new Supra Boots.......................mmm
Can you see the resemblance of the ransom x adidas Dune boot?
watch out for these , probably in your local store soon .......

Travis Porter and Big Sean - Dem Girls